Energy prices and contracts in the energy sector

The key relationship in the energy industry is the contractual relationship between the consumer and energy supplier; nevertheless, the issue of contractual relationships and energy prices is much more complex.

img_CenyasmouvyAn indispensable prerequisite for assessing contractual relationships in the energy industry is a long-term and deep knowledge of energy commodity markets. ENACO experts have extensive experience in the areas of both contractual relationships and commodity markets.

That is why we are able to offer our clients comprehensive consulting services, especially in relation to the setting of technical and business parameters of supplier-customer relationships in the energy industry:

  • Independent assessment and optimization of contractual provisions in the area of supply and consumption of all energy media.
  • Energy supply tenders.
  • Assessment of price patterns for heat and gas suppliers.
  • Business-technical consulting for large consumers of natural gas.
  • Independent consulting in cases of disputes between energy suppliers and consumers.
  • Prognoses of power and gas prices.
  • Evaluation of the safety of energy supplies.
  • Benchmarking of power and natural gas prices in the EU countries.
  • Development of the prices and availability of natural gas – commodity exchanges versus import contracts.
  • Price links between all types of energy.

Our clients






Pražská energetika

Pražská plynárenská

RWE Group

Axxociation of Energy Managers – SVSE

Moravské naftové doly




KM Prona

District heating companies

Dobruška, Jičín, Hořice,

Nová Paka

All references

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