The local distribution systems

A local distribution system (LDS) is a power or natural gas distribution system which supplies power or natural gas to the places of consumption of end customers (flats, offices, shops, warehouses, production facilities, etc.) in a given territory.

img_LokalnidistribucnisoustavySimilarly to a regional distribution system, LDSs are operated by licensed distribution companies. An LDS can be operated to advantage wherever more customers (power and gas consumers) are connected to a superior distribution system via a single connecting point and shared distribution infrastructure. Typically, this can involve industrial areas, commercial zones, administrative and apartment complexes, shopping centres, etc.

The services we offer in the area of consulting support for LDS operation include, among others:

  • Strategic consulting, concept studies and initial pre-design assessments of the suitability of establishing an LDS.
  • Legal advice and assistance in obtaining licences for LDS operation.
  • Verification that legal conditions for LDS operation are fulfilled.
  • Financial analyses and technical-economic optimization of LDS operation.
  • Consulting in the purchase of a part of a distribution network.

Our clients

Nupharo Park, a.s.
Kubík, a.s.
Sklady Hodonín, s.r.o.
city of Ostrava
city of Ústí nad Labem

All references

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